Sunday, January 18, 2009

First post!

I signed up for this blog forever and a day ago, I think, but this is the first I've gotten around to posting. Not that I have anything particularly thrilling to share with the world, but maybe someone will find my ramblings interesting!

The name of this blog (and yes I realize that knitten' should be spelled with an 'i' in place of the 'e', but I thought it looked more symmetrical with the e) stems from the title of a musical I dreamed up during a long shift back in my days of retail. The musical, 'Knitten the Mitten' was to be Michigan themed, and each song would have a Michigan place name incorporated. "Dancing in Lansing", "I've Got a Thing for Ishpeming", and my personal favorite, "I'm Blue for Au Gres". Mind you, I have no musical back round at all, so mostly we just came up with place names and other words that would rhyme and went from there. Hey, I never said I wasn't a nerd.

The subject of this blog was originally going to be Michigan-centric, but I figured I'd expand and make it about anything and everything. I spend a lot of time in Canada and a lot of time attending various figure skating events (usually the reason why I'm going to Canada), so I'm sure you'll see a lot of mention of those two things. In fact, in two weeks I will be heading west to Vancouver for the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships, which will serve at the test event for the upcoming Winter Olympics in 2010. I can't wait! I went to Vancouver last January and loved it, so I'm looking forward to going back, getting some good sushi, seeing some good skating, and taking a ton of pictures.

If you've stumbled across this little corner of the Internets, I hope you'll come back. I hope to be posting a little more frequently, especially once I have something besides a giant car repair bill on my mind. Don't you love when reality just sneaks up on you?